Monday, October 21, 2013

Watching Sunset From My Side

Have you thought of taking pictures of sunset?
I am among of people who like to watch sunset, to me seeing sunset means "LIFE". It means I was able to pass the 12hrs of the day and in few hours I would to bed... there is every reason to give thanks to God and ask him to let me see another sunset in the next day!!!!

Over the past 2 weeks I have been wanting to take some photos of sunset but almost everyday I had unexcused may be this... or that..... or whatever, yesterday I had no excuse and decided do it.
I wanted to take some pictures from the trees so that it could look like  "forest sunset"
May be there not the best pictures but I will try to take some more and best pics next time

This is how the sunset looks from my does it look from where you are?

Enjoy the week!!!
 photo PicMonksign_zpsbb5f7aff.jpg

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  1. Beautiful sunset! :) You're right, it really is a blessing every new sunset we get to see!

    1. Its truely a blessing
      Thank you for stopping by

  2. Nice pics! Thanks for sharing the lovely message!

  3. Wow! So pretty! I love sunsrises and sunsets.. I love watching the sun rise on the way to work every morning

    Thanks for sharing!



  4. I absolutely love sunsets! Gorgeous pictures!


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