Monday, July 29, 2013

African Print Braided Headband Tutorial

How was your weekend? Mine was not so busy since I am almost finishing with my new designs of African Print Clothes; I had time for myself and decided to do sets of  headbands for myself.

Because don't have any headbands I made different headbands with different colors. I made 2 styles, single and double braided headbands but in this tutorial will show you how to make double braided headbands.

6 Pieces of fabric (1.5" - 2" width, 27" length). For single braided you will need 3 pices of fabric
Elastic band

Braid the 3 pieces of fabric

After you finish braiding in length that you want (or according to the circumference of your head) tie the ends of braids and cut remaining unbraided fabric (approximately 1 inch from the knots)

You will need lastic, niddle and thread ready, sew together in both endings

Take a piece of elastic band; sew it at the endings of the braided fabric. Remove unwanted unbraided fabric both sides. To make it looks nicer sew piece of fabrics at the around the joining points of elastic band and fabric on both point.

There you go, you made yourself headband and of colors that you like. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments

For More of my African prints creations please visit MY SHOP HERE

 photo kwanza-sig.png

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